Have you ever been in a straight-line acceleration contest between two vehicles over a pre-determined distance? That’s what’s known as drag racing. The general drag distance acceptable worldwide are an eighth-mile (660 feet) or quarter-mile (1,320 feet). So what do if you are going out for drag racing for the first time?

Don’t worry, you everyone who has ever raced had to start from somewhere. You might be surprised that most of the racers you meet on your first day are just as new as you. It is okay to go out just to watch other racers as they go on with drag racing.

Follow the following drag racing basics:

The first trip

If you are coming to the race, it is good if you arrive early as a precaution of finding a pit spot. Coming early will also enable you to beat the bigger crowds that show up later. What a better way to get familiar with the process than doing a few runs down the track? Remember to only take one spot. If your car has any loose items or tools, remove them and keep them somewhere safe. In fact, don’t carry those items. Leave them at home. Wait for the tech to open and take your car to the booth to fill out the tech card. Your car will be given a number. That means you are now signed up and ready to race.


Before you start racing, quickly check your car and ensure the tires are good, no fluid leaks, and no loose body pieces. Although it will be at night, fight the temptation of running the air conditioner. It is just not wise to run the AC while racing or waiting to race. You don’t want to risk the buildup of condensation and its eventual dripping onto the track surface.

The first run

Are you ready to run? It’s time to pull down to the staging lanes. If you have street tire cars you are advised to use any of the first three lanes. The fourth lane is for the faster cars with sleek tires. A track official will motion you to a water box for your burnout session. Go through this session as quickly as you can.

Next is to locate where the starting line is and to drive there. You are new. So allow the starter to guide you. Watch out as the yellow light comes on. This is known as ‘pre-stage’ and should be done for all the drivers in the race. It’s time to gently roll your car forward just a few inches till you see the yellow ‘stage’ light turn on.

You will step on the gas as soon as the green light on the tree comes on. But you don’t have to go all the way with the race if your car develops problems. You can always let go of the accelerator and wait for another racing opportunity. Once you are through with the race, exit the track as quickly as possible for the next pair of drivers to come on.

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Knektvägen 81 951 93 LULEÅ Age: 43 years old